GOALS at the age of 23: hazel

You’ll definitely love this young lady because of her charming and lovable personality!

If you’re an avid user of YouTube, then you’ll know that the local YouTube scene is rife with young hustlers who are truly passionate about content creation. One of the favorites among today’s local content creators is 23-year-old Hazel Quing. Just like her vlogger friends Rei Germar and Ry Velasco, Hazel’s videos are a hit among the younger audience for being relatable and inspiring. At such a young age, Hazel has reached a lot of milestones in life already.

Another thing to admire about this content creator is that she is determined to reach her dreams step by step and at her own pace. Ready to subscribe? 

Here are a few things to know about vlogger Hazel Quing:

When she was younger, Hazel dreamed of working at NASA, and when she learned that they were looking for Mathematics graduates to work for them, Hazel thought of majoring in it. In 2020, however, Hazel decided to stop her studies for a semester to focus on her growing YouTube channel and her new business venture.

She also shared how her dreams in life have changed over the years. From being passionate about science, Hazel discovered that she genuinely enjoys multimedia and making content online.

credits blog: CandyMag

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